Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Six Year Old Boys and Fairies

N6's been in the business of losing teeth ... so much so that the tooth fairy has been a frequent visitor in our home. I guess all that teeth losing/tooth fairy excitement rubbed off on J4.

One recent morning, J4 decided that she was a fairy. She was flitting around the house, cheerfully annoying everyone else, while we busily tried to get ready for the day ahead. After a while, N6 had had enough. He turned to J4 and said in a grumpy way, "I wouldn't want to be a fairy! Fairies are just insects."

Of course, J4 was devasted and immediately began to protest. But N6 stood his ground. With his hands on his hips, he said, "Fairies are too insects! All insects have wings. Ladybugs have wings ... insect. Dragonflies have wings ... insect. Grasshoppers have wings ... insect. Fairies have wings so it must be an insect."

So perhaps his logic is off just a bit ... I still thought it was a pretty good arguing point for a 6 year old.

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