Monday, March 3, 2008

Deceptively Delicious

I recently bought the book Deceptively Delicous by Jessica Seinfeld (wife of comedian Jerry Seinfeld). Let me just say, I'm practically giddy over the results I've had with getting my EXTREMELY picky child (J7) to eat veggies without even knowing it.

Jessica talks about adding veggie and fruit purees to everyday kid fare ... thus deceiving your kids into eating food that is good for them. I knew that in theory this could work and had even thought of it a time or two, but I was still very cautious and unsure that it could work for my children (esp. J7 with all of his weird food issues). However, it is working quite well and not one of my children is wise to my plan. For example, the past few days I've been hiding carrots and squash in my children's much-loved ketchup ... which tonight J7 actually ate by the spoonfuls, obviously oblivious to my sneaky add-ins. (I love the part where he is "obviously oblivious" ... I'm discovering that there are times when deception can be wonderfully fun!)

Okay, enough of my shameless plug for this cookbook. Like I mentioned, I'm practically giddy with joy!

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