Sunday, October 26, 2008

Looking at the Issues

Normally, I am not passionate about politics. I don't care for debating one candidate over the other. This year is different. If you don't care to know who I am voting for and why, please don't read further.

I'm endorsing John McCain. Personally, I'm not republican or democrat. I am a registered independent voter. I vote as the Lord leads me. After carefully looking at some important issues and trying to align the candidates positions with how I feel the Lord would want our leaders to lead, I've decided that John McCain fits that bill the best. I don't think he is perfect. In fact, there are several ways that I disagree with him. But overall, I feel that he best represents my personal beliefs.

Here are some of the issues that are important to me:

1. Education vouchers that all parents to choose public or private school for their children.
McCain: supports
Obama: opposes

2. Sex education for children in kindergarten through 12th grade.
McCain: opposes
Obama: supports

3. Increase federal income tax rates.
McCain: opposes
Obama: supports

4. Appointing judges that will adhere to a strict interpretation of the Constitution.
McCain: supports
Obama: opposes

5. Public funding of abortions.
McCain: opposes
Obama: supports

6. Parental notification of abortions by minors.
McCain: supports
Obama: opposes

7. Legislation mandating health care for infants surviving abortions
McCain: supports
Obama: opposes

8. Allowing adoption of children by homosexuals.
McCain: opposes
Obama: supports

9. Prohibiting public funding for art that is pornographic or anti-religious.
McCain: supports
Obama: oppose

10. Tax credits for purchasing private health care.
McCain: supports
Obama: opposes

11. Tax credits for investment in renewable sources of energy (such as wind, solar and biomass).
McCain: supports
Obama: supports

My source is the 2008 Christian Coalition Voter Guide for the Presidential Election. You an find out more from the Christian Coalition by visiting their website:

Obviously, not everyone agrees with me. I feel confident that my candidate is who best represents my opinions. My prayer is that all voters would take time to research and choose their candidate with much prayer and seeking of the Lord's will.

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